Service components handle calls to external business logic. They can be used to send and receive data to and from the business logic services.
Two integration types are supported at the moment, REST and UiPath.
REST services allow you to configure the url, headers and body of the request. When configuring the service fields you can insert values from the user's session using the {{<entity name>}} syntax .
Services also support synchronous answers. To inject data in the user's session the api should return a json object with the keys and values you want to inject.
To configure a UiPath service you need to have an active UiPath integration.
When configuring the UiPath integration you will fill the UiPath orchestrator credentials.
When configuring the UiPath service you can select witch job you want to trigger, the robot that will execute the job and the JSON parameters that will be sent to the job.
When generating the UiPath call, the request engine will also inject a token in the JSON parameters. The token allows the UiPath job to make a callback after finishing the processing.